Taken 2 is the sequel to the box office hit, Taken. This film follows the Albanians attempt at revenge for Brian's (Liam Neeson) killings in the first film, but this time Brian has a bit of help from his daughter Kim (Maggie Grace). I won't be giving too much away when I say that the plot isn't too different from the Taken, hence the title, I can't make up my mind as to whether this is a good thing or not.
Pro's: another great performance from Neeson, some good action scenes, great setting in Instanbul.
Con's: some unexplained bits, Neeson never seems to re-load his gun, it gets a bit corny with Neeson playing the overprotective Dad and Famke Janssen who plays Lenore (Kim's mum and Neeson's love interest) puts in some pretty shoddy acting, although her hair does look fantastic even after she's been roughed up a bit.
Overall, this is a 6/10 for me, well worth watching if you enjoyed the first one.
I am waiting for the DVD to come out. I enjoyed the first movie and would love to see the second one, too. x